Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat and Sidmouth Beach Lifeguards work together to assist casualty on seafront

Date: 25.06.22

Callout #: 5

At approximately 13.30, Sidmouth Lifeboat Crew were requested by Sidmouth Beach Lifeguards to provide assistance to an injured member of the public who had tripped on the kerb and was suffering with severe leg and hip pain

Sidmouth Lifeboat Crew administered pain relief on scene and provided first aid, with the support of Sidmouth Beach Lifeguards, until the ambulance arrived at approximately 14.00.

Thank you to everyone involved. We wish the casualty a speedy recovery!

Crew: Andy Mitchell, Jim Brewster

Wind speed: Force 5 Wind: S
Visibility: Good
Max Wave Height (m): 2
Persons assisted: 1

Note: Photograph for illustrative purposes only. No photos were taken during the callout. Credit: Kyle Baker Photography


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