Meet The Team
Support Team
Our Support Team open the boathouse shop, greet our visitors and are pleased to talk about the Lifeboat and its activities.
Sidmouth Lifeboat is an independent Lifeboat charity and relies on donations, bequests and importantly proceeds from its small shop, based in the boathouse itself.
Usually open everyday except for Christmas Day, from 10am - 4pm in Winter and 10am - 5pm in Summer, the boathouse shop sells items ranging from magnets to model cars, pens to baseball caps, amongst many other gifts.
Would you like to join the Support Team?
We are currently looking to increase our Support Team, particularly to cover Monday and Friday shifts.
If you would be interested in working in the shop a few hours a week please click here for more information about the role and the application form.
You can email a completed form to or drop it into the Lifeboat Station.

Operations Team
The lifeboat is usually crewed by a team of four when it heads out to sea. The Helm "drives" the boat and is in command of all aspects of its operation. Behind the Helm sits the Navigator, who assists the Helm in reaching the location of the casualty or vessel in difficulty, and is also responsible for maintaining the often busy radio communications with the Boathouse, Coastguard teams, Helicopter and other Lifeboats. The remaining two crew assist in the rescue as directed by the Helm, undertaking a wide range of tasks from swimming ashore to administering emergency First Aid, to anchoring the lifeboat, and rigging tows to stricken vessels.

Guy Bennett
Coxswain, Tractor Driver, DLA
Joined: 2010
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
To help others and be involved with the sea.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
All the training and the other crew involved.
What is your ‘day job’?
Landscape Gardener.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I can do some cool tricks with a diablo!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Surfing, fishing, SUPping, biking, boating, working!
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The pens, they are really nice to write with!!

Lifeboat Operations Manager, Chair of the Trustees, Former Coxswain
Joined: 2002
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Living by the sea and wanting to get on the water a bit more, I was then "recruited" while my guard was down at Branscombe Beer Festival. It's not all sunshine and roses, of course, but so rewarding and such great people.
What is your ‘day job’?
I'm a marine science consultant, running my own business. The flexibility helps!
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I think if I have something I'm good at, I make sure people know about it 😉
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Spending time with my family, whether that's Sunday roast or away in our campervan. And playing with motorbikes, old and new.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Well the Jetski Couple which no one ever buys always make me laugh.

Naomi Cook
Company Secretary & Treasurer, Trustee, Former Helm
Joined: 2009
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I used to work at the council's recycling department and delivered a recycling box to the boathouse... I walked out with an application form!
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I make a mean chutney or jam, and my chocolate cake is very popular.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Being outside with my family.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The lighthouse pull-cords. They have appeared in all the houses I have lived in and make a nice gift idea.

Si Priestley
Helm, DLA
Joined: 2005
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I moved from Yorkshire and wanted to be involved with the community. Originally, I enquired about working in the shop, but was told I was too young!
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
There are so many things that make it a great thing to do. Obviously being in a position to help people when others can’t is amazing. The camaraderie and support we all give each other. I often marvel at how different we all are, ages, political views, hobbies, opinions etc. but at our core we all have “something” that brings us together to do this often stressful role. We all get on really well and support each other. It’s a big family really.
What is your ‘day job’?
I’m Head of Project Management for a Telecoms company, delivering new telephony solutions to companies both large and small across the UK.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Of course!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I love being outdoors; Climbing, Hiking, Kayaking, Mountain Biking, Camping etc.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The diaries are excellent!

Ian Fletcher
Helm, Member of the Board of Trustees
Joined: May 2014
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I joined in May 2014 having just moved into the area. Joining the Lifeboat was one of first things I did. There were several reasons why I put in my application to join. New to the area, I was keen to try and get involved as much as possible in the community. Having just left the Royal Navy after 17 years, joining a maritime organisation seemed like a nice transition. It would also give me the opportunity to pass on some of my navigation and seamanship skills. The Lifeboat is obviously a great charity and it is always worthwhile putting your time towards helping others – in this case potentially saving lives at sea.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Where to start? I love being part of such a worthwhile charity, not only with the primary aim of saving lives, but the Lifeboat is very much part of the community. Being part of a team is incredibly rewarding – everyone on the lifeboat is there because they want to help people and be part of something that has a purpose. It is a really friendly atmosphere and there is a real buzz about the place. It is also great to get to know such a varied range of individuals from diverse backgrounds and experience.
What is your ‘day job’?
I am the Regional Security Lead for NHS Digital, working with the NHS Trusts in the Southwest region to improve their cyber security.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Well I can’t sing and I can’t dance! However, I am heavily involved in the Scout movement (another great charity in Sidmouth), leading the local Explorer group (14-18 year olds) and helping run 1st Sid Vale Scout Group as Assistant Group Scout Leader.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I am a keen Munroe Bagger (have climbed 150 of the 284 mountains in Scotland over 3000ft) and love walking on Dartmoor (or anywhere for that matter!). I love squash and am trying to play more golf. Oh, and enjoy being in my garden and being with my family. Although I find I have little time to do any of the above.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
It has to be the Sidmouth model Lifeboat.

Andy Horsley
Tractor Driver
Joined: 2015
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I thought it would be good to give something back.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Being part of a great team.
What is your ‘day job’?
Senior Therapy Radiographer.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I used to be a sailmaker, and I'm pretty handy at laminating fibreglass and carbon fibre.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Surfing, sailing and cycling.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The card with the Morris 1000 on it.

Brian Taylor
Tractor Driver, Mechanic & Boathouse Maintenance
Joined: 2015
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
As an ex sea-going engineer, I hoped to put forward a little of my skills and knowledge, which would assist those coming up behind me.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Working with a likeminded team of enthusiastic and professionally dedicated individuals that make up the Crew of Sidmouth Lifeboat.
What is your ‘day job’?
I work at Potbury’s of Sidmouth as part-time undertaker.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am a Marine Engineer by Trade, ex-police officer seconded to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and working with the Police International Counter Terrorist Unit at MI5. Speak several languages including Arabic, Urdu and Japanese.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Not to take life too seriously and to try and keep the Crew amused.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Tide Time Table – I appear to know what the tide is doing.

Andy Hardy
Shore Crew
Joined: 2015
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
To give something back to the community.
What is your ‘day job’?
I’m retired but help out in voluntary roles with Sid Valley Help and East Devon Talking Newspaper
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I drive the train at BICTON botanical gardens.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I play walking football for Exeter Strollers in the Devon League.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
My Beanie hat keeps me warm on those cold winter nights.

Cameron Baker
Boat Crew, Maintenance Officer
Joined: April 2016
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Being part of the sailing club next door on the safety boats, I wanted to expand my skills and offer something back to the community at the same time
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
The best part must be the people! Everyone has the same goal of wanting to help and it is really like a second family!
What is your ‘day job’?
I run an Events company providing technical support & infrastructure for live events
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am a practical person and always up for learning new things and have a few random qualifications!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Spending time with my family & partner Megan going on long walks and being on the sea!
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Has to be the woolly hats that keep us warm in the winter

Dave Pearce
Boat Crew
Joined: 2016
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I have always wanted to contribute to the team, yet work commitments made this tricky. Once my work situation changed slightly, I jumped at the change to apply to join. I think I had the skills and life experiences that could compliment the aim of the lifeboat team and thus motivation to contribute.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Getting wet.
What is your ‘day job’?
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am also a qualified mountain and ski guide. I have climbed Everest, been on the mountain twice and had adventures globally.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Rock climbing, winter mountaineering and alpinism or spending days on steep rock and mountain faces. Skiing, sea swimming, sea kayaking, mountain biking. I am not good at sitting down!
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Not an 'item' but - the volunteers who tirelessly run the shop ... hats off to them!

Jim Brewster
Helm, Boat Crew
Joined: 2016
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
To get more involved in the community, to do something challenging, rewarding and fun and because of my love for the sea.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
My crewmates and the feeling when you have been able to help someone.
What is your ‘day job’?
Computer games animation system engineer.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Plumbing and tile laying, both of which I avoid if I can. I can also still get in the lotus position.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Spending time with my family and windsurfing.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The beanie hats.

Martin Barnard
Helm, Boat Crew
Joined: 2016
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
When I was younger I got involved in sailing and began to appreciate the Safety-net that a Lifeboat service provides to those at sea - I wanted to join a crew ever since. Moving to Sidmouth gave me the opportunity to apply and I also wanted to find ways to contribute to the local community.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
The feeling when you have helped someone out. I’ve also loved getting to know and spending time with a great team of people.
What is your ‘day job’?
For my day job I work at Devon County Council. My current role is in Public Health as part of the team responding to Covid-19.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I have been known to sing a sea shanty from time to time!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Having outdoor adventures with my family and friends.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The calendar – I like the pictures.

Graham Trude
Boat Crew, Tractor Driver
Joined: 2017
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I joined because I thought I could be useful as I work in Sidmouth Monday to Friday, and love being on the sea so I thought why not?!
What is your ‘day job’?
Day job is Team leader for EDDC, looking after Connaught and Blackmore Gardens.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I played the drums in a band in my youth and have been lucky enough to play alongside Muse, and Skunk Anansie.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Play cricket and go fishing when I can. Also spending time with the family.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
My favourite item from the shop is the Sidmouth lifeboat beanie hat!

Kyle Baker
Boat Crew, Training Officer
Joined: 2017
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Always had a passion for the sea from an early age, spend my life surfing or photographing in it! Wanted to give something back to the community that I am Passionate about.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Being surrounded by likeminded people who all want to help people in times of need.
What is your ‘day job’?
I am a photographer and film-maker
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am a grade 6 Drummer and a England athletics running coach for SRC.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Surfing or being in or on the ocean!
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The calendars, as they feature a lot of my photography!

Charli Ferrand Higgins
Boat Crew, Wellbeing Officer, PR Officer
Joined: March 2018
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I moved back into the area after 11 years living in Australia and I just wanted to get involved in the local community.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
The people, many of whom I would have probably never met unless I’d joined! From the crew to the support team, everyone is so lovely and supportive. I also love the challenge being boat crew provides - every training session and callout is different. You learn so much each time.
What is your ‘day job’?
I'm Head of Operations for a B-Corp Marketing Agency.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am a dab-hand at twirling fire poi and ONE breakdancing move, ha! I also ride horses.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Taking our rescue dog for long walks in the beautiful Devon countryside or heading away in our 20 year old LDV Convoy Camper!
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The annual calendar is a must-buy.

Ed Birch
Boat Crew
Joined: March 2018
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I’ve always wanted to get involved with the Lifeboat ever since sailing the Atlantic. Moving to Sidmouth recently gave me the opportunity to fulfil that ambition.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
The feeling of being part of a great team and being trained to be able to assist others in the difficult situations they can find themselves in.
What is your ‘day job’?
I Manage an Outdoor Retail Store, Cotswold Outdoor at Darts Farm.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Wicked Left foot (and a bionic knee!)
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I’m a passionate Everton supporter and used to play a lot of football, but following a knee replacement my super striker days are now behind me! These days, as with a lot of the crew I enjoy the outdoors. I kayak, mountain bike and climb, spending my free time with my dogs enjoying the beautiful coastline and nearby moorland we are so lucky to be surrounded by.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
You can’t beat a quality fridge magnet to add to your collection.

Andy Mitchell
Shore Crew, DLA
Joined: 2018
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
To get involved.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Being part of the team, and spending time on the seafront.
What is your ‘day job’?
Civil Engineer.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Enjoy woodworking.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Being on the water, or out in the countryside.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Baseball Caps – I bought one!

Toby Hoggarth
Boat Crew
Joined: October 2018
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I wanted to get involved with the community, as having recently moved to the town it was an ideal way to do so.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
You get to do some pretty cool stuff!
What is your ‘day job’?
A lighting designer and technician for live events. I also run a picture framing business, "The Handmade Frame Company" here in Sidmouth.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Well that would be telling wouldn't it!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I absolutely love finding new places to go for walks off the beaten track near Sidmouth. It's an incredibly beautiful part of the country and you will always find somewhere amazing if you go looking.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The little models of the lifeboat of course, perfect for playing with in the bath!

Paul May
Boat Crew, Senior Tractor Driver & Equipment Officer
Joined: 2019
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I joined Sidmouth Lifeboat to be part of a team that had a common purpose, that was to help others and save lives. I know that sounds a little of a cliché but I guess coming from an organisation that deals with emergency situations in my day job, it felt natural to blend across. I wanted to use my driving skills and tractor experience to drive ‘Mary’ the launch tractor.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Since I began my training I have found the crew and support team to be friendly and helpful. Although I have some experience of the sea, I am far from a mariner. With the teams support, I am learning new skills. I have recently completed a sea survival and VHF course. I have learnt new skills such as coastal recognition and knots.
What is your ‘day job’?
Police Officer.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I am a reasonable cook.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I have recently taken up cycling. I had not owned a cycle since I was a teenager. I found a new lease of life in exercise and seeing more beautiful places in which we live on two wheels.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
I really enjoy our yearly calendar. It shows off the capabilities and dedication of the crew in our glorious town of Sidmouth. It makes a great present, whilst promoting us an independent charity.

Adrian Blight
Trainee Boat Crew
Joined: 2022
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
My children love the sea and making sure I can support their safety and that of others rather than leaving it to other people.
What is the best part of being a volunteer with Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Being part of an amazing team, being useful and physically active, giving back to the community.
What is your ‘day job’?
Education consultancy.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
None I can share publicly.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I love to do anything outdoors- run, kayak, drink, eat, walk. Sidmouth is perfect for all those things.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Until we have a risqué crew calendar it has to be the tea towels.

Henry Williams
Boat Crew
Joined: 2023
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I joined the lifeboat because after being a beach lifeguard for 3 years and working closely with the crew I was keen to get involved in something new and also give something back to the community.
What is your ‘day job’?
I’m a PE teacher. I work for sporting chance and I take PE lessons at different primary schools.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I wouldn’t say I have any cool and exciting skills however I have played sports all my life so I would like to think I have good skills when playing these sports. I mainly play Rugby, Cricket and Golf!
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I love being outside! I try to keep active by either playing sports or going for a swim when the sea is a bit warmer! After recently coming back from Australia I don’t think I’m too keen on the cold seas haha.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
My favourite item in the shop has to be either Kyle’s Calendar or the new bottle openers we have just got in! Just in time to open those ginger beers in the summer!

Alice Dutton
Boat Crew
Joined: 2023
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I've wanted to be on a lifeboat crew for years but didn't live by the sea which was a barrier! When I moved to Sidmouth I knew it would be a great way to get involved with the community.
What is your ‘day job’?
I work for an anti-slavery charity.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
I can reel off a huge amount of information about Taylor Swift.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
I love being outside, preferably a hike on Dartmoor or the SW Coast Path. I also love a swim in the sea.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Kyle Baker's Calendar.

Alex Russel
Shore Crew, Station Mechanic
Joined: 2023
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
To improve sea safety and put something back into the community.
What is your ‘day job’?
Mechanical Engineering, repairing large truck’s throughout the southern part of England.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Sailboats crew and power boat two licenses.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Slowly rebuilding a five mtr rib and out board engine.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
Beanie hat.

Mike Dance
Shore Crew
Joined: 2024
Why did you join Sidmouth Lifeboat?
I'm a person that likes to offer any skillsets I have to help the local community wherever I can, make the valley a better place for us all to live. It's something I have wanted to do for a long time and now I work from home constantly, I can commit to doing it.
What's the best part of volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat?
Firstly it's the team, it doesn't take long to realise you are working with a fantastic and varied group of individuals, all with the common goal of making the operation work.
Also, you get a sense of pride and self worth knowing you are available to help people when needed.
What is your ‘day job’?
Customer support engineer.
Do you have any skills or talents that most people don’t know about?
Cooking and flying.
What is your favourite thing to do (when you’re not volunteering at Sidmouth Lifeboat, of course!)
Rugby, gym, walking, flying, motorsport.
What’s your favourite item from the Sidmouth Lifeboat shop?
The mugs, we all love a cup of tea or two.