Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat called out to reports of paraglider in the water at Beer Head

Date: 18.06.23

Time tasked: 16:32

Call out #: 12

Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat was tasked to reports of a paraglider in the water at Beer Head.

The Lifeboat arrived on scene, where Lyme Regis Lifeboat and Rescue 187 (Coastguard helicopter) had just arrived. The casualty had by this time made it to the shore at Pounds Pool Beach.

After a quick assessment, Lyme Regis Lifeboat transferred the casualty to Beer Beach with Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat standing off to render assistance if needed.

Once casualty was safely ashore, both boats were then stood down and returned to station. 

Boat Crew: Jim Brewster (Helm), Ian Fletcher, Ed Birch, Paul May

Tractor Driver: Pete Rosenfeld

DLA: Phil Shepperd

Shore Crew: Si Priestley, Henry Williams, Al Fellowes-Bennett, Adrian Blight

Wind Speed: Force 1-2

Wind: SW

Visibility: Very Good

Photograph for illustrative purposes only. Credit: Kyle Baker

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